How To Welcome New Customers With A Personalized Customer Onboarding Strategy

Customer onboarding is the key to success for any business. No matter the industry, when your business provides a positive experience from day one, it sets your team apart from the competition. The sooner this happens, the more you increase customer loyalty. Hence, the goal of customer onboarding is to help customers get the most out of your product or service. But you need to do it fast.

There are a few key things your organization can do to accelerate customer onboarding. These strategies will help any team build loyal customers. First, make sure you have a clear and concise onboarding process. Second, focus on the customer’s needs and make sure they understand what they are getting with your product or service based on customer segments for personalization strategies. As you’ll see, strategic video content can boost your online presence. With personalized videos, you can make customers take action quickly.

Finally, give them the opportunity to provide customer feedback to the entire team. In fact, when you constantly track customer satisfaction, you can improve the process over and over. This will lead you to a sticky customer journey that doesn’t leak clients early in the relationship.

A similar approach is when brands use the welcome process as a way to know more about new customers. Take a look at the following image that shows how a real estate firm uses this opportunity to retrieve more customer data for the CRM.

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In this article, you’ll learn how to accelerate the customer onboarding process. We’ll also cover how personalized videos can help you improve the customer experience (CX) and make customers take action.

What’s Customer Onboarding

Customer onboarding is critical to boosting customer experience. By definition, customer onboarding is the process of introducing a new customer to your product or service. The faster you can welcome a new customer, the better their experience will be. Customer onboarding relates to a product, service, and the team behind it.

However, customer onboarding is not just about welcoming clients. With the right customer experience strategy in place, it is the process of getting new clients acclimated to your company. Moreover, you ensure a smooth transition, even from competitors. So it is also a tool your marketing team can use to attract new customers.

In a sea of businesses all vying for attention, personalization can help your business create a unique customer onboarding strategy. With better customer perception, your organization stands out from the competition. Thus, when you cater the onboarding process to the specific needs and wants of your customers, you create a process that is unique to your business. Then, this establishes a relationship of trust and confidence from the very beginning.

This sets the tone for future interactions and can make all the difference when it comes to customer retention and loyalty. For a sales team, customer onboarding is also part of the sales process. The reason for this is that potential customers are looking for signals that will let them know if you are the right vendor.

Why Customer Onboarding Is Important

In any industry, today’s customers have more power than ever before. This is why more and more organizations are rethinking the way they welcome new clients. Many are defining this process for the first time.

This effort makes businesses identify points of friction. At the same time, it sets the tone to smoothen customer engagement. Higher engagement is a conversion tool that converts a buyer into a loyal customer.

Customer Engagement and Competition

Therefore, customer onboarding is important for several reasons:

  1. And onboarding process shows that your brand is organized and professional.
  2. A streamlined CX strategy helps build trust and credibility with the client.
  3. It sets customer expectations for the working relationship.
  4. A proactive approach turns a one-time client into a lifelong customer.
  5. It accelerates product or service adoption.
  6. It increases the perceived value, which helps you get paid faster and more.

Why Businesses Should Pay More Attention To How They Welcome New Clients

Historically, organizations have thought all that matters is quality and price. But, is it? There are many key performance indicators (KPIs) that bring light to the matter. For example, in a study on how software companies onboard customers, we see how there are things not related to the quality of the product or the price that have a direct impact on the willingness to pay.

Customer Onboarding Study

According to the study, customers who perceived a company’s onboarding positively had between a 12% and 21% higher willingness to pay than the average.

At the same time, in many industries, organizations focus on long-term gains rather than on one-time purchases. Thus, to increase the customer lifetime value, it is important to have a good customer onboarding process in place.

In fact, a good customer onboarding process helps identify potential problems early on. In customer experience management, it is critical to address this. It helps brands avoid customer frustration. In short, businesses need to pay attention to how they welcome clients because it helps ensure that customers are satisfied with their products or service. They remain, therefore, loyal customers.

Good customer experience is essential for any business that wants to retain customers and grow. A smooth personalized customer experience strategy can also help sales teams increase sales. Businesses can encourage customers to come back and spend more money.

Thus, when you improve customer service, you also lead to positive online reviews and word-of-mouth marketing. With a solid online presence, all of these things can help increase sales and revenue.

Benefits of Video Marketing In Your Customer Onboarding Strategy

A video marketing strategy is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage customers during the onboarding process. Companies can use onboarding videos to introduce new products or services, provide step-by-step instructions with educational videos, or even answer common questions that customers may have through explainer videos.

With onboarding videos, businesses can provide a more personal and engaging experience for their customers. At the same time, they reduce after-sale support and increase adoption.

This is likely due to the fact that videos are able to communicate key information. Different types of videos give customers a better understanding of what they’re getting themselves into. Additionally, videos create a more personal connection between the brand and the customer. As a result, video marketers can be the key to increasing trust and loyalty.

Using Video To Welcome New Clients

When creating videos to welcome new clients, businesses should consider video marketing. Videos are more engaging and informative than other types of content.

For example, a corporate law firm may want to produce a video that outlines the process of working with the firm, while a startup tech company hiring new staff may want to create a tour of their facilities or interview their engineers about the product development process.

Other businesses may opt for a more general overview of their company, products, or services. The most important thing is to create content that will give people a clear understanding of what your business does and how it can help them.

For example, check the following case study to learn how this financial services firm increased customer engagement by 20% by using personalized videos to welcome clients during the first steps of the customer journey.

Types Of Videos To Accelerate Product or Service Adoption

There are different types of videos businesses can use to help accelerate product adoption. Here are a few ideas: The first type is an explainer video. These videos are designed to help people understand what a product is, how it works, and why they might need or want it.

The second type is a demo video. These videos show people how to use a product and highlight its features and benefits. The third type is a testimonial video. These videos feature customers or experts talking about how great a product is and why other people should use it.

Similar to explainer videos, educational videos help with customer engagement. These videos are critical when you have complex products or services that require a knowledge base.

Thanks to technology, you can use variable data in these videos. Personalization adds relevancy to any type of content, also as videos.

We put together a full guide on personalized video marketing. It’s loaded with examples, case studies, and strategies. With this guide, you’ll learn how to use the different types of videos with personalization in your customer engagement strategy.

Make sure to read this guide now to see how many brands use personalized marketing videos in their customer onboarding strategies.

Personalization and Customer Onboarding

Personalized marketing is an approach where businesses tailor their marketing messages and strategies according to data they have collected about individual customers. When onboarding new clients, this data can include interests, shopping preferences, positions, and more.

With marketing personalization, businesses create a more comfortable and inviting experience for their customers. This, in turn, can lead to more sales and loyalty from customers. Personalized marketing can be as simple as using the customer’s name in communications. At the same time, it tailors content to their specific interests.

Advanced personalization strategies go deeper into the user’s context. As a result, on many occasions, personalization is not that obvious. However, the goal is to provide relevancy that leads customers to take action.

Dynamic Landing Page

For example, you can create dynamic landing pages with personalization. Through these landing pages, you can adapt the content that better resonates with the next steps the new customer needs to take.

Brands can follow a similar approach with personalized interactive videos. Take, for instance, a real estate firm that onboards new customers with video. In the video, the firm automatically adds the contact details of the real estate sales associate. Here is an example:

Interactive Video Example for Real Estate Marketing

Interactive Video Example for Real Estate Marketing

Personalized Videos To Welcome New Clients

A personalized video is a video that is specifically tailored to an individual. Companies can do this with the use of CRM data they collect when they onboard new clients. Marketing teams can create a video that is much more likely to resonate with the viewer.

Personalized videos offer higher conversion rates than conventional videos. One of the key indicators to know this is the view-through rate and the conversion rates. To understand how video personalization streamlines and onboarding strategy, let’s take a look at a real-life case study.

Personalized Video Template Content

Since these videos are made with cloud video software using professional video templates, there is no need to record each video individually. It is a scalable process that delivers videos with variable data.

Case Study: Personalized Onboarding Videos Get 78% Engagement Rate To Critical Information

Watch the following video now to understand how this healthcare organization was able to achieve 78% viewer engagement with personalized onboarding videos.


The challenge this brand had is a common one. They needed to accelerate payments once service was executed while providing positive personalized customer experiences. With a diverse audience, this company needs to share complex information to help current customers pay online.

Key Considerations

  1. One of the main goals of these personalized videos is to help new customers know how to pay for an already delivered service through this company’s website.
  2. All videos were automatically personalized for new clients with Pirsonal’s personalized video software.
  3. All videos were also interactive. They used Pirsonal Player to add a personalized call to action (CTA) at the end of the video but also when users pause the video. Pirsonal Player is an interactive video software. In fact, this analysis helped us see that the call to action also needs to be displayed earlier. And looking at the numbers, we know exactly where.


I took the time to analyze the view-through rate of these videos. With this information, I also analyzed the video’s content structure. I found that there was a clear correlation between the content of the video, the types of users, and the view-through rate.

  • 78% of viewers watched the introduction of the video with variable data. This part of the video also tells the users how much to pay, why, and where.
  • 43% of users viewed between 20% and 50% of the online video. This part of the dynamic video tells users how to submit the payment form.
  • 35% watched more than 50% of the video. This means that the content of the online video was sticky enough even when the design is not that appealing.
  • 38% of viewers clicked on the personalized video call-to-action (CTA). Even when this is a video goal, not all users need to click, as the video also explains where to go to make the online payment.

For this brand, apart from more payments, this personalization strategy translates into faster adoption. Also, instead of delivering a bad experience, they help clients understand what to do next in a visual way.

How Do You Automate The Client Onboarding Process?

The goal of automating the onboarding process is to make it as easy and streamlined as possible for both the client and the company. For example, the following infographic shows how a hotel can welcome new clients with individualized videos and marketing automation to boost guest engagement.

Video Marketing Automation

There are a few key components to automating the onboarding process:

  1. Map the customer journey. This will help you understand the steps potential and current customers follow to engage with your organization.
  2. Segment your customer base. There are many types of buyer personas. Each group needs a different approach to increasing conversion rates.
  3. Collect data. In order to automate the onboarding process, you need to first collect all the necessary data from the client. Common scenarios include contact information, billing information, preferences, etc. You can also use this information in personalized content.
  4. Establish clear KPIs. Make sure you follow up on the conversion rates and previous indicators. For instance, video goals, view-through rate, and click-through rate (CTR).
  5. Choose the right communication channel. For example, most organizations use email. However, in many cases, in-app messages, SMS, or even WhatsApp are channels to send personalized videos or other types of content.
  6. Use marketing automation software. With marketing automation tools, you can automatically create and send messages to individuals at scale. For video production, use personalized video tools like Pirsonal.
  7. Streamline communications. Once you have all the necessary data, you can then start to streamline communications with the client.


The best onboarding process takes into account the unique characteristics of the customer. Thus, it helps new customers understand what to do next and the value the provider will deliver.

Video personalization can help your organization accelerate the onboarding process. With personalized video software like Pirsonal, you can automatically create customer onboarding videos with personalization.

Moreover, personalized videos are a great way to increase customer satisfaction and retention. They help new customers feel welcome and give them a sense of what your company is all about. By providing a personalized touch, you can increase loyalty and build a lasting relationship with your customers.

With a solid customer experience strategy, marketers can increase service adoption, retention, and satisfaction. To learn how Pirsonal can help you achieve this, feel free to reach out. You can also try our video personalization software for free here.

Marketing AutomationGuide For Video Production Companies To Make Personalized Videos