Personalized Video FAQ – the best system to solve your business’ marketing

New to personalize videos? Wondering how it fits in with your business? Here are some of the most common questions – and answers – to get you up to speed.

What is personalized video?

Personalized video is video content that is customized to each user, based on their interactions with your brand. This is what we usually call a trigger. For example, customers can be served video of the precise products or services they have been browsing; or data like their name, type of subscription or targeted information based on their age or persona can be included.

Furthermore, different videos can be served according to their stage in the customer journey – someone encountering your brand for the first time can be treated to a welcome and an overview, while someone who has browsed for a while without making a purchase can be prompted in a different way.

What kind of elements can be personalized?

In a personalized video, you can typically personalize images, audios, texts, and other videos. Often personalized videos are the main content your segmented audience will expect to find. But, what happens before a lead or a customer gets there?

Personalized Video Template Example

Personalized videos and video personalization campaigns are all about engagement and conversions. Depending on how these videos will be served, you’ll probably accompany your strategy with other multimedia assets that will also be personalized to increase conversions.

For example, if you use email marketing to deliver these personalized messages, chances are that using personalized animated gifs is a good option to increase email CTR. These animated gifs would usually be extracted from each individual’s video as a preview of the personalized video.

Landing pages are great conversion-oriented tools. Use them to display the personalized videos and keep your message consistent and focused on one call to action. The Pirsonal platform automatically generates a landing page for each and every individual, and you can also embed our video player wherever it makes sense.

If your personalized videos are not only about engagement but about making your audience react right away, then in-video calls-to-action are a good fit for you. The smartest way to use them is to customize them for each person.

This is a complete solution for your marketing automation strategy to increase conversions by delivering exactly the right elements for wherever your prospect is in the buyer’s journey.

How does a personalized video actually work?

In most of the cases, your personalized video platform integrates with your CRM and is served customer data which is used to deliver the right customer experience. Here is how to choose a personalized video marketing platform.

Marketing Automation Workflow with Personalized Video

But there are other options. If your information is structured and online, then you can easily create personalized videos. From a spreadsheet to a complex API.

Understanding how a personalize video template works is vital. You’ll also need to understand what structured data is and how it can be used to create personalized videos. Structured data is any data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file. It is a standardized format that provides the information that will be used to create the personalized videoslanding pages, and interactive video player configuration, even when dynamic or variable data is used.

This episode from the Reaction Podcast explains it well:

The easiest approach is to think about spreadsheets.

Structured Data Example for Personalized Videos

Take a look at the board above. As you can see, there are three columns and three rows. Each column is a field that will be merged within our platform. The first row defines what information will be used for these fields (name, Country, Fav. dessert). The following two rows define the data that will be printed in the personalized videos, as well as in the other personalized multimedia assets.

How can my business benefit from personalized video?

Data from Hubspot shows that personalized calls to action perform over 200% better than standard ones. With impressive stats like that, there is no doubt that integrating personalized video can have a significant impact on your bottom line. We recently wrote an article that talks about some of the benefits from personalized video for your business, but here you have a few:

  • Building a more engaged audience
  • Increasing conversion rates
  • Better lead generation
  • Delighting the customer through their on-site experience
  • Increased data with which to segment and target your audience

Increase After Sales Engagement By 20% With Personalized Videos

Is it difficult to integrate and use personalized video marketing?

A personalized video platform like Pirsonal integrates seamlessly with your current systems and typically marketers and businesses find that the set-up time and training overhead is low.

What kinds of businesses use personalized video?

Many different types of businesses have had success with custom video – not only retail but travel and hospitality, services, SaaS and consulting – the list goes on. Both B2C and B2B enterprises have increased sales and conversions dramatically with personalized video.

If your business is doing marketing – it’s time to consider integrating custom video into your arsenal.

What skills are required to start with a personalized video marketing strategy?

The following slides will help you understand what you need to know to start with a personalized video marketing strategy.

Creating a personalized video requires up-front planning. Just like any other marketing initiative. Before you even start with the first one, you need to work on your business goals, messaging, content, and integrations. You’ll need to understand your individualized target audience’s needs and define what the best approach is to grab each individual’s attention.

How can I find out more about personalized video?

Simply get in touch – we would be more than happy to discuss with you how the Pirsonal platform can be integrated into your business.

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