Skills Required To Create Personalized Videos and Increase Sales

The latest trend in the field of marketing to increase sales is to create personalized videos to target every individual in a unique way. Thanks to personalized videos, your message is based on your customers’ needs and desires using personalization as a key tool to grab their attention.

To create personalized videos you need to have access to structured data, which can be provided by a CRM, a marketing automation tool or even a CSV. As we usually tell our clients, if the data is or can be online, we have a personalized video integration to create an automation workflow.

Structured Data Example for Personalized Videos

Personalized videos make marketing strategies more appealing, memorable and effective


Because personalized video marketing, combined with your marketing automation and creativity, understands the needs of your customers to automatically react and create a customized video with texts, images, audios or even other videos that are specific to each customer. This will shorten the barrier between your message and a person’s purchase intention as your message becomes relevant to the person.

Marketing Automation Workflow with Personalized Video

A common question we hear when speaking to companies that are considering to increase their sales with personalized videos is:

What is it required to create personalized videos?

Well, to create customized videos you need to have a customized template but before you get there are a few areas that need to be covered. Templates are used by personalized video platforms like Pirsonal to automatically define the look&feel for every video.

A personalized video template is for video customization what a CSS is for website design.

Creating a personalized video requires up-front planning. Just like any other marketing initiative. Before you even start with the first one, you need to work on your business goals, messaging, content, and integrations. You’ll need to understand your individualized target audience’s needs and define what the best approach is to grab each individual’s attention.

Skills to create personalized videos

Personalized videos have several benefits often related to customer engagement, sales acceleration and to adding vitamins to an upselling or cross-selling strategy. But what are the key skills you should master to create personalized videos for your business to increase sales, regardless of your position, either as a marketer, business developer, e-commerce or CRM manager?

1. Technical Skills

If you want to make personalized videos for your clients, then you need to know about the technologies, software or applications you can use to make videos that will wow them.

For example, most of our clients use Adobe’s After Effects to conceptualize and design the media assets behind a personalized video template. Other companies don’t really have the need to use a video editing software but need to select the footage or royalty-free images that will be used within a new or existing template. Some companies work with a local agency to record videos in more complex projects that require actors, locations, among other details.

Stay vigilant about the technical things that you can use to make videos in a scalable way. It will help you create videos more quickly and effectively. Do your best to understand how your data is structured and the impact this can have on your template, as personalized video templates can have fixed or flexible structures.

2. Research Skills

No matter what kind of marketing strategy you pick to promote your products, you must be aware of the product demand in the market. Therefore, make sure that you understand how your segmented audience thinks and what their expectations are.

It doesn’t matter how great your personalized videos are if they don’t connect with each one of the viewers. It doesn’t really matter if the data used is interesting enough to trigger something in their minds. You should always start by investigating and asking yourself things like…:

What motivates them so that we know what to show first and what call to action to focus on?
What their attention span is like so that you create shorter or longer videos?
Will they pay attention to the audio so that you invest in studio-recorded voice-over or text-to-speech (TTS)?

3. Relationship Building Skills

Each business stands on the pillars of demand and supply relationship built on the trust between the customers and the service provider. So, as a marketer or simply as the person in charge of the personalized videos project internally, you need to design at least a simple script for the template of the personalized videos that ensures that the ties grow stronger.


Because no one has more information on your customers than you. Nor your agency, nor our professional services team. Of course, we’ll do our best to understand these pillars, but you’ll help your agency or our team to connect the dots between what motivates customers and the right message, powered by the right data.

This will be based on the things you have already found during your research phase. We often see companies that have a lot of information on their customers but don’t really know what that information means. It’s extremely important to make a comprehensive exercise to understand what the data says and how to translate it to each individual, as this will be the basis for a stronger relationship between your brand, your message, and your segmented audience.

4. Story Telling Skills

No one likes videos which are dull, time-consuming and irrelevant to their journey. Therefore, make sure that you know the art of telling a beautiful story that triggers actions on your target audience. This will help you promote your product by making each video fun and/or informative. Remember, we are still talking about business goals (this is a 7 min. podcast episode I recently recorded about defining your personalized videos business goals… first). Things you can measure.

In order to get there, we are still talking about people driven by emotions, trust, and facts. Personalized videos help you create unique stories adapted to each one of your customers, and each customer requires you to share what will be relevant to them using the power of images, audios, videos, and texts that talk to the individual.

Now that you know about some of the skills that are required to create personalized videos to achieve your business goals, go ahead and let us know if you have any question or even other skills ideas.

Increase After Sales Engagement By 20% With Personalized Videos

Structured Data PirsonalSkills To Create Personalized Videos - Reaction Podcast by Pirsonal