5 Unusual Video Conversion Tips For Effective Interactive Marketing Campaigns

Video conversion is a key metric to pay attention to create effective interactive marketing campaigns with videos. Interactive videos help businesses engage with viewers so that they react. But what’s the point if your videos don’t convert?

The world of online marketing is constantly changing. The way we communicate, the tools available, and customers’ expectations are all evolving at a rapid pace.

Customers expect marketing messages that focus on their needs. But, still, most organizations create videos that are not relevant to particular viewers. When you personalize the experience, customers are more eager to buy.

In this article, you’ll learn five strategies to create interactive marketing campaigns that are effective because they may people react.

Video Conversion Strategies to Create Effective Interactive Marketing with Video

Interactive marketing campaigns are not new. They can be used in creative advertising and also in one-to-one marketing campaigns.

With the evolution of video, a clear next step for your marketing initiative is to create interactive videos to engage with your audience at a deeper level.

Let’s go over five effective ways to increase video conversions when you create interactive videos. You can also follow these techniques to supercharge your current generic videos with interactive video players like Pirsonal Player.

Adding personalized call-to-action buttons to any video

1 Use dynamic landing pages that adapt to the buyer persona


Technology has changed the way people shop online. This is largely due to the rise of a data-driven approach to marketing. This is why now more than ever dynamic landing pages make sense.

Instead of sending prospects, leads, and customers to a generic video landing page on YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia, use dynamic landing pages to cater to different types of buyers who fit different buyer personas.

Here is an example of a dynamic landing page. I’ve marked the elements that can be personalized:

Dynamic Landing Page Example

The way that people shop has changed because of the increasing amount of time spent on smartphones and tablets.

To increase video conversions, make sure that the information you provide on the landing page fits the needs of the viewer. Use customer data to add value to the viewer, not just because you have it.

This way, the content will adapt to your customer’s context. This will prompt users to watch the video.

Tools like Pirsonal Pages automatically create dynamic landing pages with personalized customer data.

2 Include In-video Personalized Calls to Action So Viewers Take Action

Many people have a tough time following the content of a video, no matter the length. Usually, the more to the point, the better. But, in marketing and sales, there is no point in having a video that makes no difference in the audience.

This is why personalized in-video pop-ups can help lead viewers to the desired action. Personalization makes a Call to Action (CTA) relevant to the individual.

Here is an example of a personalized Call to Action for video marketing:

Personalized call to action example with a personalized video

With video Calls to Action, marketers can invite customers to the next step. When you use personalized Calls to Action in your videos, you are able to contextualize the message and the action based on the available customer data.

With in-video personalized Calls to Action, you can:

  1. Create engagement with your video
  2. Provide credibility to your videos since customers want personalization
  3. Increase the likelihood of your viewers taking action
  4. Lower the cost of acquiring new customers
  5. Reduce wasted spend through more effective video marketing

Best Practices for In-video Calls to Action to Improve Video Conversion

In my opinion, in almost every case marketing videos should use Calls to Action. The only general cases where a video CTA is not a must is when it’s pure engagement content.

Here are some tips for when you need to add personalized Calls to Action to your video content:

  • Don’t wait until the end of the video to display the CTA. If it is a personalized video, you can expect around 60 to 90 percent of viewers to get to the end of the video. If it is a generic video, around 42%. Completion rates are rising! If the users are expecting the video, completion rates go up.
  • Preferably, add the video CTA two times. Depending on the video content or script, add it around 40-60 perfect of the timeline, and then also at the end of the video.
  • Use trigger-based CTAs. To keep it simple, these are action buttons that are automatically displayed upon user behavior. For example, when a user pauses the video. A trigger-based action button is incredibly effective.

3 Create Video Scripts Featuring Product Benefits for each Buyer Persona

To increase video conversions, include benefits of your product or service in the video based on the buyer persona.

Video marketing is the most popular form of marketing – according to HubSpot, videos make up 55% of all online traffic. With the right marketing strategy, you can use videos to convert prospects into buyers.

But with almost every competitor out there making videos, you need to be more granular to get higher video conversions. A critical step to do this is to make your best to increase video completion rates.

A way to increase video completion rates is to create buyer persona-based video scripts.

This is almost like when you create personalized videos with software like Pirsonal. Let’s simply call them segmented videos. Sometimes, there is no need to add customer data to the videos.

Simply create video scripts narrowing your audience down to specific personas.

To keep it simple, follow these steps:

  1. Define specific business and marketing goals. Nowadays, video editing has become quite easy for most marketers. You need to know what success looks like when approaching video marketing. To succeed with video, stick to numbers, not just a cool video.
  2. Segment your audience. Nowadays, marketing is not about volume anymore but about targeting specific buyers. You can do the same with video segmentation. Go through your contact list, check for engagement rates that help you understand what audience to target first. Focus on real potential customers.
  3. List the Benefits of Your Product for specific buyer personas. Why? People are more inclined to buy something when they understand the benefits that are relevant to them. For example, it’s easier to sell a vacuum cleaner to a new corporate, married remote worker by explaining that the machine will make no noise while he’s on video calls and his wife will just be amazed by how clean the house is when she comes back from work every day than just focusing on what cleaning power it has.
  4. Frame those benefits into different video scripts that take viewers from one scene to the next one, smoothly. You do this by creating as many video combinations as you need. Forget about “one fits all”. A linear video is less effective than an interactive video and personalized videos.

4 Increase Clickthrough Rates with attention-driven personalized video thumbnails

We all know that the first impression is the most important, right? The same applies to email marketing campaigns that rely on a video thumbnail as a gateway to send the email list to interactive content.

Email is still one of the main digital marketing channels for businesses and not-for-profit organizations.

In my experience, most organizations spend a decent amount of time making the perfect interactive video but fail to improve essential email marketing conversion rates.

One of the key metrics is email clickthrough rate (CTR).

How can you increase email clickthrough rates to drive more viewers to your interactive videos?

Personalized video thumbnails are a marketing strategy that will increase your email clickthrough rates. By doing this, you’ll get more engaged-view conversions.

Why? Because customers will have a greater desire and curiosity to see the videos.

There are different types of personalized video thumbnails. All of them can give you engaged-view conversions. It’s more about choosing the right tools to create a custom video thumbnail taking into account your potential customers.

Here are a few ideas to create effective personalized video thumbnails:

  1. Automatically create video thumbnails using personalized image software.
  2. Create custom thumbnails with a mix of custom images that match the customer profile and HTML-powered personalized text. You can do this with almost any regular email marketing tool that provides support for custom HTML.
  3. Some personalized video tools will automatically create a personalized image. These tools will either automatically export the first video frame or let you choose which frame to export.
  4. The easiest approach? Simply create custom thumbnails based on customer match. This is even easier if you use tags or any other structure way to map or merge an image URL with segmentation information. For example, https://yourwebsite.com/images/marketing-managers.png, where “marketing-managers” might be segmentation criteria that help you populate the custom thumbnail for a particular customer match.

No matter the approach you follow, make sure to think about your video thumbnails as conversion machines. Do not underestimate them.

Think about them as sales Calls to Action to help you interact with your customer base.

If you use relevant customer data in the image or text, you’ll create a personal connection. But don’t just print personalization because you can. Find what triggers the customer’s interest.

5 Apply segmentation to your interactive video campaigns

Interactive video campaigns typically fail to convert visitors into customers because it is hard to reach them with the right message. Applying segmentation helps marketers identify video content that is more relevant to each group, thus increasing video conversions.

Segmentation is the process of dividing a large group of people into smaller groups based on shared characteristics.

In other words, to create a successful interactive marketing campaign with video, forget about the wide range. This requires more effort but pays back.

Your marketing content should speak to your customers in their language and not yours.

Watch the following video to learn more about marketing segmentation applied to marketing automation:


Here are some segmentation ideas to convert more customers with video:

Most of us know that demographic segmentation is what marketers use to identify different groups of people. But are there other ways to slice and dice the population? Psychographic segmentation is what marketers use to identify different segments of consumers based on their values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle habits.

Most of the time, psychographic segmentation is used alongside demographic segmentation to understand what motivates people to buy certain things. For this matter, marketers can mix them to create the type of video content specific audience segments need.

For example, with psychographic segmentation, you can target specific groups of consumers by appealing to their values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle habits.

Another really effective way to increase video conversions for interactive experiences is through geographic segmentation. This is is the targeting of different geographical regions or geographies for marketing purposes.

This can include countries, regions within countries, cities, counties, zip codes, and even neighborhoods. Targeting specific geographies enables companies to offer customized products and services.

Common sense tells us that this is the norm for interactive video ads. But, how about your interactive emails or even just email marketing campaigns?

Using this marketing technique can also help companies understand their audiences better and improve marketing efficiency.

Closing Thoughts

For an interactive video to be successful, it should be specific and calculated in its message.

Interactive marketing campaigns can deliver great results. But, again, forget about the wide range.

In order to get there, you need to focus on what triggers the viewer’s interest and intent even before they hit the play button.

This means taking into account the different digital channels you use to communicate with your audience. For example, if you add videos to your email marketing campaigns, make sure to use personalized video thumbnails instead of generic images.

To create an effective interactive marketing campaign, take the time to develop a clear and contextualized message for your segmented target audience. Marketing personalization can be critical for this to work.

Videos for B2B Sales EnablementA woman clutching a direct mail piece.