Marketing Segmentation: 7 Easy Ways To Segment Your Customers [Audio]

As audiences become more and more digital, marketers face an unprecedented challenge when it comes to segment their audiences. Market segmentation is a process of dividing a heterogeneous market into homogenous segments based on certain parameters.

Proper segmentation is much more useful than it may seem at first glance. For example, you can use it to identify underserved niche markets, as well as to create the products that that niche needs, and to create the commercial strategy to sell that product with the right go-to-market strategy.

In today’s episode, I’ll share with you seven easy marketing segmentation techniques you can apply today. These marketing segmentation strategies will help you create personalized marketing messages that resonate with your unique audience. For example, you’ll be able to create marketing automation workflows with personalized videos to improve customer experience.

Audience segmentation is one of the key successful pillars for winning customer experiences. To personalize the customer experience, you need to have a deep understanding of all the interactions your customers have with your organization through the customer journey, gather customer data, and use this data to add value to your customers.

7 Easy Ways To Segment Your Customers

  1. Demographics: Demographic segmentation is one of the most commonly used forms of segmentation. Analyze who your customers are based on criteria such as age, income, number of family members, race, gender, occupation, education, and nationality.
  2. Skills and knowledge: Study the things your customers know and how they apply this knowledge when they interact with your brand, employees, products, and services.
  3. Preferences: Divide your customer base taking into account the things your customers like about your brand, products, services, and interactions with your team.
  4. Behavioral activities: Analyze the behaviors and decision-making processes your customers follow. For example, think about their lifestyle, how, when, and why they buy, and more.
  5. Psychographics: This takes into account how your customers think and divides markets according to lifestyle, personality traits, values, opinions, and interests of consumers.
  6. How your customers use your product: Do they use your product like you initially expected? When do they use it? With other people?
  7. How they buy your products: Similar to the behavioral activities, looking at their processes, how much they spend, when they buy, from what device, if they buy based on a special promotion, and more.

If you haven’t already, start segmenting your marketing today following one or a mix of the easy ways to segment your customer base as I described above. If you’ve already started, it’s time to revisit your strategy to identify new targeting opportunities that will allow you to achieve a better return on investment (ROI), better conversions, and a higher customer loyalty rate.

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