The Crisis of Customer Experience: A Call for Personalized Video Solutions

Forrester’s latest CX Index report paints a bleak picture. US consumer satisfaction with customer experiences has plummeted to a new low for the third consecutive year, signaling a crisis that demands urgent attention.
39% of brands witnessed a decline in CX in the US (Forrester)
This decline is not isolated to a few industries. Across the board, from retail and hospitality to technology and finance, brands are struggling to meet the rising expectations of their customers. The consequences of this failure are severe, including:
  • Lost revenue: Dissatisfied customers are more likely to switch to competitors, leading to a loss of revenue.
  • Negative word-of-mouth: Unhappy customers can tarnish a brand’s reputation through online reviews and social media.
  • Increased churn: High churn rates can erode a customer base and make it difficult to sustain growth.
To address this crisis, brands must prioritize personalization. By tailoring interactions to individual customers, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, boost loyalty, and drive revenue.

Beyond the Basics: Delivering Truly Personalized Experiences


Personalization is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. A recent McKinsey & Company study found that 76% of people want personalized experiences. However, many organizations are falling short, limiting their personalization efforts to basic tactics like using customers’ names.

The Limitations of Basic Personalization

While using a customer’s name can be a small step towards personalization, with today’s saturated audiences, it’s far from sufficient. To truly resonate with customers, brands must go beyond the basics and demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs, concerns, and goals.

The Power of Understanding Customers

Screenshot of Pirsonal's interactive video player showing a personalized in-video call-to-action

Pirsonal’s interactive video player with personalized call-to-action.

At the heart of successful personalization is empathy and customer-centricity, even when leveraging automation. This often comes by analyzing the voice of the customer (VOC). By truly understanding your customers, you can create experiences tailored to their preferences and needs.

I believe that personalization should enhance the customer experience and facilitate their journey, rather than merely serving as a superficial way to impress them.

Here are some strategies for understanding your customers:

  • Listen actively: Pay attention to what your customers are saying, both verbally and non-verbally.
  • Conduct research: Gather data on your customers’ demographics, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Engage in dialogue: Seek feedback from your customers to understand their needs and pain points.

Once you have a deep understanding of your customers, you can start to create personalized experiences that resonate.

Strategies for Delivering Personalized Experiences

  • Leverage data and analytics: Use customer data to identify patterns and trends.
  • Create tailored content and messaging: Develop content that is relevant and engaging to your customers.
  • Personalize the customer journey: Tailor every interaction, from the initial contact to post-purchase support.

The Power of Video Personalization

Personalized videos are 116% more effective than generic videos (source: Pirsonal)

Personalized videos perform better than generic videos in 1:1 marketing

Video personalization is a particularly effective way to deliver tailored experiences. By dynamically generating videos that are tailored to each individual viewer, brands can create more engaging and relevant interactions. This can lead to:
  • Increased engagement: Personalized videos are more likely to be watched and shared.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Tailored content can enhance the customer experience and build loyalty.
  • Higher conversion rates: Personalized videos can drive more sales and leads.

The Future of Personalization

The future of personalization is bright. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective personalization strategies. Some of the emerging trends in personalization include:
  • AI-powered personalization: Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze customer data and deliver highly personalized experiences in real time.
  • Omnichannel personalization: When possible, personalization should be consistent across all channels, from email and social media to in-store interactions.
  • Predictive personalization: By anticipating customer needs and preferences, brands can proactively deliver personalized experiences.
Despite the promise of these trends, there are also challenges to consider. Implementing personalization can be complex and resource-intensive. Additionally, there may be resistance from customers who are concerned about privacy and data security.

Case Studies: The Success of Personalized Video

To illustrate the power of personalization, let’s examine three case studies from Pirsonal’s clients:

Mini: Streamlining Onboarding and Boosting Customer Loyalty

A screenshot of a personalized Mini car video showing the contract expiration date and the car's value at that time.

A screenshot of a Mini car personalized video displaying the contract expiration date and car value.

Mini faced a challenge with onboarding new car leasing clients. The company was sending PDFs to clients, but many customers were not reading the documents, leading to confusion and increased support inquiries.
To address this issue, Mini implemented personalized videos to guide clients through the onboarding process. The videos explained the key terms of the contract, outlined the next steps, and provided personalized recommendations based on the client’s specific needs.
The results were impressive. By using personalized videos, Mini was able to:
  • Increase customer understanding: Clients were more likely to understand the terms of their contract and the next steps.
  • Reduce support inquiries: The number of support calls related to onboarding decreased significantly.
  • Boost customer loyalty: Satisfied customers were more likely to renew their leases and recommend Mini to others.

Workable: Driving User Activation and LTV

Screenshot of a personalized video made with Pirsonal's software - User activation

Helping users see their account usage with personalized videos

Workable wanted to increase user activation for a specific feature of their HR software. Many users were not leveraging this feature, despite its potential benefits.
The company created personalized videos to encourage users to activate the feature. The videos explained the current state of the user’s account, compared the potential time savings from using the feature, and highlighted the benefits.
The personalized videos were highly effective. By providing tailored information and recommendations, Workable was able to:
  • Increase user activation: More users activated the feature after watching the videos.
  • Improve user experience: Users who activated the feature were more likely to find the software valuable and easy to use.
  • Boost LTV: Increased user activation led to higher LTV as users were able to leverage the full potential of the software.

Chemical Company: Enhancing Customer Engagement and Revenue

A chemical company wanted to provide its VIP customers with a more personalized experience. The company created personalized videos to highlight each customer’s annual spending, rebates, and benefits.
The personalized videos were a success. By providing tailored information, the company was able to:
  • Increase customer engagement: Customers were more likely to watch and share the videos.
  • Educate customers: Customers gained a better understanding of their spending and benefits.
  • Drive revenue: By highlighting exclusive offers and benefits, the company was able to upsell additional products and services.
These case studies demonstrate the power of personalized video to enhance customer experience, drive engagement, and improve business outcomes.

Overcoming Challenges: Implementing Personalization Strategies

Implementing personalization strategies can be challenging. Some of the common obstacles that organizations may face include:
  • Data quality issues: Incomplete or inaccurate data can impede personalization. Many organizations lack current customer information or only possess superficial data that doesn’t benefit their customers.
  • Lack of resources: Depending on the size of your program, audience, and potential tech stack, implementing personalization may require significant investments in technology and personnel.
  • Resistance to change: Employees may be reluctant to adopt new ways of working or embrace new technologies. This often happens because of a lack of experience and creative bandwidth to successfully leverage personalization.
  • Security and compliance: IT, Legal, or Compliance teams may be hesitant to implement personalization due to concerns about data leaks and partnering with the wrong vendor that lacks appropriate certifications and information security processes.
Video: Security and Compliance in Personalized Video Marketing
To overcome these challenges, organizations should:
  • Invest in data quality: Ensure that customer data is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  • Allocate resources: Prioritize personalization initiatives and allocate the necessary budget and personnel.
  • Foster a culture of innovation: Encourage employees to embrace new technologies and experiment with different personalization strategies.
  • Select certified personalization vendors: Utilize personalization software that has undergone thorough information security audits by recognized third-party certification bodies.

The Role of Leadership

Strong marketing leadership is essential for successful personalization initiatives. Leaders must create a culture that values customer experience and innovation. They should also provide the necessary support and resources to enable teams to implement personalization strategies.
Leaders can foster a customer-centric culture by:
  • Setting clear expectations: Communicate the importance of customer experience to all employees.
  • Empowering employees: Give employees the authority and resources to make decisions that improve the customer experience.
  • Measuring and rewarding performance: Track customer satisfaction metrics and reward employees for their contributions to improving CX.
Organizations can achieve successful personalization by offering strong leadership and a supportive environment that highlights creativity, automation, and efficiency when it comes to digital engagement with customers.

Improve Customer Experience with Personalized Video

The time for generic interactions is over. To thrive in today’s competitive landscape, brands must prioritize personalization. By delivering tailored experiences through personalized video, you can:
  • Build stronger relationships: Foster deeper connections with your customers.
  • Increase engagement: Capture the attention of your audience with relevant and engaging content.
  • Drive revenue: Generate more sales and leads through personalized interactions.
Pirsonal can help you achieve these goals. Our personalized video software and managed services enable you to create tailored video experiences at scale, without compromising on quality or compliance.
Don’t wait. Take action today to improve customer experience and drive your business forward. Contact Pirsonal today to learn more about how our personalized video solutions can help you succeed.
A hand holding a smartphone playing a personalized video made with Pirsonal