Should Sales and Marketing Work Together? Here Is Why and How

Companies are increasingly realizing the importance of synergy and collaboration between different departments to achieve organizational goals. One crucial partnership that can significantly impact a company’s success is between the sales and marketing teams.

Marketing and sales teams must collaborate to improve lead generation, enhance customer experience, optimize resources, combine expertise, and overcome challenges for sustainable growth.

While traditionally these teams have operated independently, a growing trend emphasizes the need for them to work together closely.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why sales and marketing should collaborate and the benefits that such collaboration can bring.

You’ll also learn how to successfully make this partnership work to achieve growth from a revenue and customer experience perspective.

Table of Contents

The Partnership between Sales and Marketing Departments

Sales and marketing are two key pillars of any business. They are both responsible for generating revenue and driving growth from different perspectives.

Historically, these teams have operated in silos, with minimal communication or coordination between them.

But this is a mistake.

Déjame explicarte por qué.

In my experience, these silos kill performance, creativity, and revenue.

I know every business is different.

But I also know that our best revenue seasons at Pirsonal have been when marketing and sales have worked together.

When we focused too much on one or the other, performance has gone considerably down.

Companies with a more agile mindset when it comes to collaboration and synergies between sales teams and their marketing peers achieve great performance—faster.

Easier said than done.

This is also easier with small, agile teams that heavily rely on technology, automation to improve efficiency and let’s-do-this mindset.

You know the saying.

Hunger sharpens the wit.

I’ve seen this over and over from a privileged position in the B2B ecosystem.

This is, creating and selling software to Sales, Marketing, Customer Experience, and Product teams for over a decade.

But many of our clients have consumers (B2C) as their audience. So this has given me a good perspective on their internal dynamics up to a certain point.

Let me explain with a few examples.

Examples of Misalignment Between Marketing and Sales Teams

I remember a well-known online travel agency (OTA) and a former client.

The Customer Experience lead used Pirsonal’s software de video personalizado to build a data-driven marketing strategy focused on personalization in the B2C landscape.

Their main goal was to improve the customer experience and increase revenue through upselling and cross-selling.

Within the first months, their effort was already showing promising results through precise optimization.

However, they depended on the sales department to provide relevant information about their customer base on a regular basis.

At some point, the internal tension and frustration between departments killed the project, which was already delivering superior results.

I’ve seen a similar pattern in the hospitality industry by talking to many marketing, sales, and e-commerce managers.

Con frecuencia, estrategias de marketing hotelero are driven by e-commerce teams without the input of guest experience and sales management departments.

On too many occasions, these teams don’t work together.

For instance, many managers fail to consider the needs of other departments that have similar goals but different KPIs when selecting a new CRM system or tool to improve customer engagement.

I’ve also seen incredible sales teams perform creative marketing initiatives to drive higher engagement with personalized interactive videos, wow leads, and accelerate sales.

I wonder if they would do even better with the direct implication of marketing and customer experience peers.

Perhaps, by now you know the answer.

So, in my view, the modern business landscape demands a more integrated approach, where sales and marketing align their efforts and work in tandem to achieve common objectives.

These objectives vary. However, often we’ll talk about lead and customer engagement and specific revenue goals.

But why is this critical if marketing or sales efforts are already paying off?

The Importance of Collaboration between Sales and Marketing

Collaboration between sales and marketing is essential for several reasons. By working together and not separated, these teams can leverage each other’s strengths, align goals, and improve the entire customer journey.

During these years helping marketing leaders with software to improve customer engagement, I’ve seen two key things that have happened thanks to a close relationship between these core teams.

First, when teams work together, they become stronger. They have more capacity, better budget allocation, and wiser spend in strategies and tactics that drive better ROI through more engaging sales funnels.

Second, customers are served with excellence. This facilitates new revenue growth through upselling and cross-selling depending on the product and services your organization offers.

But there are more benefits to this collaboration. Let’s cover them.

The Benefits of Working Together

Enhanced Lead Generation

Sales and marketing collaboration enables a more streamlined lead generation process through a stronger marketing plan, especially to target B2B buyers.

Marketing can provide sales with high-quality leads, while sales can provide feedback to marketing regarding lead quality and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Improved Customer Experience

By aligning their efforts, sales and marketing can create a more cohesive customer experience.

Marketing can ensure that the messaging and materials they create resonate with the sales team’s approach, resulting in a consistent and viaje personalizado del cliente.

Optimized Resource Allocation

Collaborative efforts help maximize the utilization of resources and budgets.

With shared insights, sales and marketing can identify market opportunities, allocate budgets effectively, and optimize campaigns for better results.

Aligning Goals and Objectives

To foster collaboration between sales and marketing teams, it is crucial to establish common goals and objectives.

This alignment ensures that both teams are working towards the same outcomes and fosters a sense of shared purpose.

Setting Common Goals

Sales and marketing should collaborate to define shared goals that align with the overall business strategy. You should have an ultimate goal and work together to make it happen.

For example, increasing revenue, acquiring new customers, accelerating the buying process, or improving customer retention could be common objectives.

And this can be true even if they have different metrics. However, experience shows that marketing and sales share many marketing metrics they should pay attention to.

By aligning their goals, both teams can direct their efforts toward achieving these outcomes collectively.

Sharing Metrics and Data

As you can see, to measure progress toward shared goals, it is essential to establish clear metrics and data-sharing practices.

Sales and marketing should regularly exchange data on lead conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and other relevant performance indicators.

The best way to do this is by using common tools across departments and avoiding stack silos.

This transparency promotes accountability and enables both teams to evaluate their contributions effectively.

It also promotes creativity as individual team members with totally different mindsets can enrich their views on particular strategies and tactics.

For instance, sales reps are more revenue-oriented. Especially if part of their personal income is commission-based. Also, especially among junior staff, there is a lot of rotation.

However, most marketing, customer success, and customer experience peers have a different mindset leaning toward creativity and experiential outcomes.

This is one of the reasons why they often can’t get along.

This is why transversal personalized video marketing strategies are successful.

Teams have common ground, data, and goals.

They use this information to improve the customer experience across the journey and achieve different goals with meaningful personalized touchpoints.

Usually in the following order:

  1. Increased lead or customer engagement.
  2. Accelerated sales process.
  3. Superior customer experience.

Building a Stronger Customer Journey

Collaboration between sales and marketing plays a significant role in creating a seamless customer journey that brings more closed deals and happier customers.

The best customer journeys take every interaction into account. Remember that it’s unlikely that sales will come out of a single interaction.

Many brand-customer interactions take place consciously or unconsciously.

The more personalized these interactions are, the more meaningful and effective they are. The ultimate goal is to provide a seamless experience across all touchpoints, automated or human-driven.

From SEO to customer support and even advertising and public relations, every single interaction counts.

Watch the following video to learn how to build a personalized customer journey that aligns with both marketing and sales goals:

It is, in the end, the sum of many little or big touchpoints and interactions. So, it should be 100% transversal.

By working together, both teams can enhance lead generation and nurturing processes and improve overall customer experience.

Enhancing Lead Generation and Nurturing

Marketing teams can collaborate with sales to understand the ideal customer profile and refine lead generation strategies accordingly.

With smart segmentation based on data and context, and having a structured way to use this information, they can improve their messaging to target leads.

Sales-qualified leads (SQL) are often better than marketing-qualified leads (MQL).

Would it be great if sales reps could talk more with marketing colleagues to share some insights so that marketing managers could improve lead generation?

By aligning messaging, targeting, and lead scoring, marketing can provide higher-quality leads to the sales team.

Sales can give feedback to marketing about lead quality, which helps them target more effective lead generation.

Improving Customer Experience

By collaborating, sales and marketing can ensure a consistent and personalized customer experience throughout the buyer’s journey.

Marketing can develop sales enablement content strategy and marketing collateral that aligns with the sales team’s approach, providing valuable resources for sales representatives to engage with prospects.

This tighter alignment helps build trust and credibility, ultimately leading to better customer satisfaction and higher conversion rates.

Leveraging Combined Expertise

Sales and marketing bring different expertise to the table, and collaboration allows them to leverage each other’s strengths for mutual success.

Sales Insights for Marketing

Sales teams interact directly with customers, gaining valuable insights into their pain points, motivations, and preferences.

En mi experiencia, this helps organizations become more centrada en el cliente which in return helps them deliver stronger messaging even when using automation.

By sharing these insights with marketing, sales can contribute to the creation of targeted campaigns, personalized messaging, and optimized customer touchpoints.

This collaboration ensures that marketing efforts are grounded in real-world customer experiences, increasing their effectiveness.

Marketing Support for Sales

Marketing teams possess expertise in market research, branding, and creating compelling content.

Stat about how modern audiences are choosing brands

53% of audiences say it’s less important to choose a well-known brand than it was three years ago

Having a strong brand can be key to the success of sales reps and the conversions of advertising campaigns.

By supporting sales with well-crafted collateral, product information, and industry insights, marketing equips sales representatives with the tools they need to effectively engage with prospects.

This collaboration empowers the sales team and enables them to deliver a more persuasive pitch to potential customers.

Effective Communication and Feedback Loop Between Sales and Marketing Teams

To ensure successful collaboration between sales and marketing, establishing effective communication channels and feedback loops is vital.

A ver cómo.

Regular Meetings and Collaboration

Sales and marketing should hold regular meetings to discuss strategies, review performance, and align their efforts.

These meetings provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, share best practices, and address any challenges or misalignments promptly.

Open and transparent communication fosters a collaborative culture and strengthens the working relationship between the teams.

Collecting Feedback and Insights

Feedback from sales can help marketing teams refine their campaigns and materials.

Similarly, marketing can provide sales with feedback on lead quality and the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

Sales teams can add contextual information we miss on many occasions from numeric reports and help answer the “why” behind the data.

32% de empresas ven valor tangible de los datos

By collecting feedback and insights from each other, both teams can continuously improve their strategies and processes, resulting in better overall performance.

This is one of the reasons why I do my best to be on every sales and demo call. The amount of insights I gain is just incredible.

Then we use this information in our marketing content, product priorities, knowledge base, and more.

Maximizing Resources and Budgets

Collaboration between sales and marketing helps maximize the utilization of resources, ensuring that budgets are allocated effectively and campaigns are optimized for success.

Optimizing Campaigns and Strategies

By aligning their efforts, sales, and marketing can optimize campaigns and strategies for better outcomes.

Sharing insights on customer behavior, marketing trends, and competitive intelligence allows both teams to refine their targeting, messaging, and tactics.

This collaboration ensures that resources are deployed where they are most effective, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

Identifying Market Opportunities

Sales and marketing collaboration facilitates the identification of new market opportunities.

As I mentioned, I do my best to be on every call. This is easy in B2B sales working on a particular niche, though.

From these calls, I get a lot of insights in terms of trends, concerns, desires, budget allocation, pricing, and even the way leads and customers explain things.

By combining their knowledge and expertise, both teams can analyze market trends, customer feedback, and competitive landscapes to uncover untapped potential.

This collaboration enables proactive decision-making and the exploration of new avenues for growth.

Overcoming Challenges and Misalignments Between Marketing and Sales Peers

Despite the benefits of collaboration, challenges and misalignments can arise between sales and marketing.

It is essential to address these issues proactively and foster a culture of cooperation.

Bridging the Gap between Sales and Marketing

Misunderstandings and conflicts can occur due to differences in priorities, metrics, or communication styles.

To bridge the gap, it is crucial to promote cross-functional understanding and empathy.

Joint workshops, training sessions, and team-building activities can facilitate better collaboration and foster a spirit of mutual support.

Here is an easy example.

In this case, eDreams, an online travel leader, made a collaborative video for Christmas featuring different employees.

This is a clear case study of successful collaboration working toward a common goal.

Encouraging Cooperation and Collaboration

Creating incentives and recognition programs that encourage collaboration can motivate sales and marketing teams to work together more effectively.

Recognizing and rewarding joint successes and promoting a collaborative culture within the organization can break down silos and promote a united front.

5 Best Practices For Marketing Leadership To Align Sales and Marketing Teams

Now, let me share five best practices to improve the effectiveness of the collaboration between sales and marketing teams.

#1 Establish Clear and Aligned Goals

Setting clear and aligned goals is the foundation of effective collaboration between sales and marketing teams.

When both teams have a shared vision and understand their common objectives, they can work together toward achieving them.

Start by defining key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the overall business objectives.

For example, increasing lead generation, improving conversion rates, or expanding market share. Communicate these goals to both teams and ensure everyone is on the same page.

#2 Foster Open Communication Channels

Effective communication is vital for aligning sales and marketing teams. Encourage open dialogue and create channels for regular interaction between team members.

This could include weekly or monthly meetings, joint brainstorming sessions, or even shared collaboration platforms.

By fostering a culture of communication, the marketing leadership can ensure that both teams stay informed about ongoing campaigns, target audience insights, and customer feedback.

Regular communication also allows for timely adjustments and optimization of strategies.

#3 Develop a Shared Customer Profile

Understanding the customer is crucial for both sales and marketing teams. By developing a shared customer profile, marketing managers can align their efforts with the sales team’s needs and objectives.

This shared understanding of the target audience enables marketing teams to create more effective campaigns and generate qualified leads.

Conduct customer research, analyze data, and share insights with the sales team to enhance their understanding of customer pain points, motivations, and preferences.

#4 Implement a Closed-Loop Feedback System

To ensure continuous improvement, marketing managers should implement a closed-loop feedback system.

This system enables the sales team to provide feedback on the quality and effectiveness of leads generated by marketing campaigns.

By analyzing this feedback, marketing managers can refine their strategies and optimize lead generation efforts.

Regular feedback loops foster collaboration, enable data-driven decision-making and ultimately improve the alignment between sales and marketing.

#5 Leverage Technology Solutions

Leveraging technology is essential for effective sales and marketing alignment.

Marketing managers should explore and implement common technology solutions that facilitate seamless collaboration and data sharing between teams.

CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, personalization solutions, and analytics tools can significantly enhance alignment efforts.

These technologies enable teams to track performance, share real-time data, and gain valuable customer intelligence to refine their strategies.


Collaboration between sales and marketing is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

This is one of the reasons why these efforts shouldn’t be separated.

To achieve sustainable growth, sales and marketing teams need to work together effectively.

This involves aligning goals, improving the customer journey, communicating well, and making the most of the resources.

Aligning sales and marketing teams is a strategic imperative for businesses seeking sustained growth and success.

Marketing managers have a pivotal role to play in bridging the gap between these two functions.

Remember, clear goals, open communication, shared customer insights, feedback loops, and technology are key to achieving alignment and driving exceptional results for your business.

Overcoming challenges is also key to unlocking your team’s potential. You’ll find that your sales and marketing processes will become more agile, productive, and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the main challenges of aligning sales and marketing?

Aligning sales and marketing can be challenging due to differences in goals, metrics, and communication styles. Other common challenges include misalignment in lead quality and inadequate collaboration processes.

How can sales and marketing collaborate to improve lead generation?

Sales and marketing can collaborate by defining the ideal customer profile together, sharing insights on lead quality, refining lead generation strategies based on feedback from sales representatives, and improving the customers’ experience through personalization across the entire journey.

What role does technology play in aligning sales and marketing teams?

Technology plays a critical role in aligning sales and marketing teams by enabling seamless collaboration, data sharing, and performance tracking. CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and analytics tools empower teams to work together efficiently and make data-driven decisions.

What tools and technologies can facilitate the collaboration between sales and marketing?

CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and data analytics tools can facilitate collaboration between sales and marketing by providing shared visibility into customer interactions, lead scoring, and campaign performance.

How can sales and marketing teams measure the effectiveness of their collaboration efforts?

By defining shared metrics and data-sharing practices, sales and marketing teams can measure the impact of their collaboration efforts. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and revenue generated can be tracked and analyzed.

What are some best practices for fostering a culture of collaboration between sales and marketing?

Fostering a culture of collaboration involves promoting open communication, organizing regular meetings and workshops, having a customer-centric approach, recognizing and rewarding joint successes, and encouraging cross-functional understanding and empathy among team members.

How can marketing managers foster open communication between sales and marketing teams?

Marketing managers can foster open communication by creating channels for regular interaction, such as weekly meetings or shared collaboration platforms. Encouraging team members to share ideas, feedback, and insights helps build trust, enhance collaboration, and align efforts.

How can marketing managers align goals between sales and marketing teams?

Marketing managers can align goals between sales and marketing teams by clearly defining shared objectives and KPIs. Open communication channels and regular feedback loops help ensure both teams stay focused on common goals and work together towards achieving them.

What are the benefits of developing a shared customer profile?

Developing a shared customer profile enables sales and marketing teams to understand the target audience better. This shared understanding allows marketing teams to create more relevant and effective campaigns, while sales teams can align their messaging and offerings with customer preferences. Ultimately, it leads to improved customer satisfaction and increased conversions.

Small marketing team discussing branding strategyMarketing team discussing video marketing strategy to build brand awareness