Are Customer Personas Still Relevant in B2B Marketing?

In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, understanding your target audience is crucial for the success of your B2B marketing strategy.

One effective way to gain deep insights into your B2B customers is by developing accurate and detailed customer personas.

Customer personas are vital in B2B marketing because they provide valuable information about your customer’s needs, preferences, and behaviors, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies to resonate with them.

So, there is no way around.

Customer personas are fictional representations of your ideal prospective customers, based on market research and real data.

In this article, we will explore the importance of customer personas for B2B marketing managers and how they can leverage this tool to drive their marketing efforts effectively.

Why B2B Marketing Managers Need Customer Personas

Customer personas act as a compass for B2B marketing managers, guiding them in making informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Marketing leaders should take customer personas into account when creating and updating their B2B marketing plan.

Before delving into the significance of customer personas, let’s first define what they are.

Customer personas are detailed profiles that represent different segments of your target audience.

These profiles encompass various characteristics such as demographics, job titles, pain points, goals, and buying behaviors.

They are created through market research, data analysis, and insights gathered from existing customers.

32% de empresas ven valor tangible de los datos

More commonly than not, the term customer persona is used as a synonym for buyer persona.

But, are these two terms the same thing?

However, let’s remember that a customer uses the product or service that the buyer acquired.

Since in B2B marketing we often refer to the brand that has bought a product, “buyer persona” and “customer persona” are often used interchangeably to refer to the same concept.

So, both terms are used in marketing and sales to create a fictional representation of a target customer or buyer.

If this differentiation has a deep impact on the way you do marketing and sales in your B2B firm, then analyze both terms independently.

I suggest you do it, by the way.

A buyer/customer persona, then, is a detailed profile that describes the characteristics, demographics, behavior patterns, needs, and preferences of a specific segment of customers or buyers.

Cuando una persona compradora no es suficiente

It helps businesses understand their customers better and customize their marketing strategies and products to meet their customers’ needs.

Not only based on what’s trending in B2B marketing, but on what it’s more suitable based on the needs of the B2B business customer.

Here are some reasons why customer personas are crucial for B2B marketing managers:

1. Customer Personas Are Important Because They Help Understand Customer Needs and Pain Points

By creating detailed B2B customer personas, marketing managers can gain a deep understanding of their customer’s needs and pain points.

This understanding allows them to develop targeted marketing messages and offers that address these specific pain points, making their marketing efforts more effective.

In fact, in my experience, the most effective personalized marketing campaigns are based on these personas.

Otherwise, you are just throwing merge fields at your marketing copy.

This is one of the main mistakes marketing teams fall into when creating personalized marketing campaigns.

Then many say personalized marketing didn’t work for them.

Now we all wonder why :-p.

To learn how to create effective personalized marketing campaigns using customer personas and customer data, make sure to watch the following video now.

Great customer personas show the difficulties that customers face in their industries. This helps marketing managers sell their products or services as solutions to those difficulties.

2. Customer Personas Are Important Because They Help Tailor Marketing Messages

Every industry and company has its own unique language and terminology. We know this well as one of the key players in the personalized video software industry.

By developing customer personas, B2B marketing managers can identify the language and vocabulary used by their target audience.

There are many ways to get there. One of my favorite ones is actively being part of as many sales calls as I can.

Also by sending and reading open-ended surveys, contact form responses, and chat conversations.

This knowledge enables you to create marketing messages that resonate with your customers and establish a connection with them.

En realidad, the most effective personalized video marketing strategies take this into account to create data-driven messages based on the customer’s context.

Using the right language helps build trust and credibility with potential customers, increasing the chances of conversion.

This approach can also help you create contextual marketing messages, which are far more effective than “generic” personalized messages.

Watch the following video to learn how to create personalized messages that drive action and deliver a better customer experience.

3. Customer Personas Are Important Because They Help Identify the Right Marketing Channels

Not all marketing channels are equally effective for every target audience. Customer personas provide insights into the preferred channels and platforms used by your customers in the buying process.

B2B marketing managers can leverage this information to focus their efforts on the channels that are most likely to reach their target audience effectively.

This is one of the reasons why knowing your B2B marketing metrics is key.

Whether it’s social media, industry-specific publications, or localized direct mail marketing, understanding your customers’ preferred channels helps optimize your marketing budget and resources.

To make sure you do this right, watch the following video about how to use customer insight to build an effective customer journey that helps your target audience take action.

4. Customer Personas Are Important Because They Help Improve Product Development

Customer personas can also play a vital role in product development. By understanding your customer bases’ pain points, preferences, and expectations, B2B marketing managers can provide valuable feedback to their product development teams.

For example, in my opinion, the best way to create any product or service is by talking to people and having conversations, based on my experience of more than 10 years of building SaaS products.

Feedback helps improve products or services to meet the needs of target customers, making them more satisfied and loyal.

5. Customer Personas Are Important Because They Help Enhance Lead Generation and Nurturing

Effective lead generation and nurturing are essential for B2B marketing success. Customer personas enable marketing managers to create targeted lead-generation campaigns that resonate with their ideal customers.

By understanding the challenges and goals of their target audience, marketing managers can develop content and offers that capture their attention and encourage them to take action.

Additionally, customer personas help in crafting personalized nurturing campaigns that guide leads through the sales funnel, increasing the chances of conversion.

Building and using customer personas will help you improve the effectiveness of your marketing activity.

6. Customer Personas Are Important Because They Help Create Effective B2B Marketing Strategies

By leveraging customer personas, B2B marketing managers can refine their marketing strategies. With a clear understanding of their target audience, they can create highly targeted and effective marketing campaigns based on insights into existing and past customers.

For instance, customers and buyers have different approaches to their decision-making process. Also, the level of risk is different.

Marketing teams should take this into account to adapt their channels, strategies, messaging, and metrics to the different stages of the customer journey.

Customer personas help optimize relevant content and SEO strategies by identifying relevant keywords, topics, and messages that resonate with the audience.

From educational content like white papers to campañas de marketing por correo electrónico y usando Páginas de aterrizaje personalizadas to drive ideal customers to take action.

Are Customer Personas Enough?

As a B2B marketing leader, you know that context is key for marketing to be effective. However, in most cases, marketing teams tend to focus only on the data and miss the big-picture context offers.

In fact, a recent report by Accenture points out that 64% of consumers wish companies would respond faster to meet their changing needs.

64% of consumer wish companies would respond faster to meet their changing needs (Source: Accenture)

This also applies to the way we approach customer personas.

Customer personas can be limited because, at a practical level, we tend to focus on the numbers and forget about the story behind the numbers.

This is why in my experience customer personas are not enough, especially if you deal with strong competition.

This is one of the reasons why a few years ago I introduced the term compradores aumentados (or augmented customer persona).

What’s an augmented buyer or customer persona? By compiling data from various sources and taking into account an individual’s context, their data and your business goals, an augmented buyer persona can be created.

This way, your marketing strategies and messages are aligned with what both your customer and your organization need.

Then, data is not enough.

You need context.

This context comes after asking the why, how, when, who, and what behind the customer data you have access to.

Then you use this information in your personalized marketing strategy that is not only data-driven but context-driven.

Augmented buyer personas help organizations customize their products, services, and marketing messages based on the needs, objections, desires, and interests of their customers.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the definition of customer personas?

Customer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers, based on market research and data about real customers. They provide valuable insights into your customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, helping you tailor your marketing strategies to resonate with them.

2. How do you create customer personas?

To create customer personas, you need to conduct thorough market research and gather data about your target audience. This data can include demographic information, psychographic details, pain points, goals, and preferred communication channels. Analyzing this information allows you to create accurate and detailed customer personas.

3. Are customer personas only for B2B marketing?

While customer personas are commonly associated with B2B marketing, they can be beneficial for any type of marketing. Whether you’re targeting individual consumers or businesses, understanding your customer’s needs and preferences is crucial for effective marketing strategies.

4. How often should customer personas be updated?

Customer personas should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect any changes in the market or customer behavior. As industries evolve and customer preferences shift, it’s essential to ensure that your personas accurately represent your target audience.

5. Can customer personas be used for product development?

Yes, customer personas can play a vital role in product development. By understanding your customers’ needs, pain points, and expectations, you can provide valuable feedback to your product development teams. This feedback helps in creating products or services that align with the needs of your target audience.

6. How do customer personas benefit marketing managers?

Customer personas help marketing managers understand their audience better, which helps them create specific marketing messages, choose the right communication channels, improve product development, generate more leads, and build better relationships with customers.

They act as a compass, guiding marketing managers in making informed decisions about their strategies.


Customer personas are powerful tools for B2B marketing managers. They provide valuable insights into your target audience, enabling you to develop targeted marketing strategies that resonate with your ideal customers.

By understanding your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points, you can tailor your messages, choose the right channels, and improve your product development efforts.

Embracing the importance of customer personas can lead to more effective marketing campaigns, higher customer satisfaction, and increased business success.

Marketing team discussing video marketing strategy to build brand awarenessMarketing team discussing video marketing campaign