3 Ways Video In Marketing Boosts Engagement In Insurance Sales

Video in marketing is one of the main tools marketers use to boost customer engagement. But are insurance companies using video content to effectively drive sales?

As technology evolves, insurances sales agents are embracing creative ways to help potential customers buy and renew insurance policies.

With more clients buying insurance policies online, brands need to reinforce the communication through digital channels.

Traditionally, insurance buyers become loyal customers because of the relationship they have with an insurance sales associate.

These sales associates are a key aspect of the customer journey.

Therefore, on many occasions, insurance companies need to trust their associate with their branding.

Insurance sales agents represent the brand in the marketplace, no matter the platform.

They also manage customer experience (CX) at a deeper level than what happens in other industries.

In this article, you’ll learn 3 ways insurance companies can increase customer engagement during the sales process when using video in marketing.

You’ll also learn how marketing automation is done on behalf of agents can help your insurance organization scale customer engagement also with video content.

1 Rely on Marketing Automation to Scale Insurance Customer Engagement with Video

When creating customer engagement strategies with video for the insurance industry, marketing automation can be one of your best allies or enemies.

Customer Engagement and Competition

To be honest, it’s no different than in other industries.

But at the same time, the insurance industry faces particular challenges.

For instance, customers are more burned out because of the complexity of many insurance products.

Also, client engagement is often cold, distant, and irrelevant.

For example, simply take a closer look a mass email marketing campaigns with high bounce rates.

It happens that many of the email subscribers are older than 100 years old!

Because of this, marketing automation can’t be used only to scale communications.

It needs to strategically help you boost engagement.

Remember, the insurance industry has historically been tied to close customer interaction at critical times.

This means that you constantly need to focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience with a personal touch.

If this experience takes place through direct automated messages, keeping those messages as close as possible to the customer’s context is essential.

The level of complexity increases if the messages are sent on behalf of the insurance sales agents.

Using video in insurance marketing automation

If you use video in insurance marketing and include it in automated messages without taking into consideration the customer journey, you’ll add more useless difficulty to your marketing communications.

Instead of creating a smooth process with video, you’ll simply add more friction to the buying process.

The same way your written messages need to be relevant and contextualized, your online videos need to accompany your clients on their journey.

This personal touch in your communications will improve your conversion rates.

It will also help your organization strengthen the relationship between insurance sales agents and prospective customers.

When you use marketing automation tools, you can deliver email, SMS, or even WhatsApp messages with video content that adapts to the buyer’s stage.

To do this, clarify the digital insurance buying process and key objections and questions leads have.

With this information, create different types of videos that adapt to the informational needs insurance buyers have.

For example, interactive videos are an easy way to interact with users at a deeper level. Software like Pirsonal Player takes them one step forward with personalization.

Then, identify the right time to deliver these messages with video to obtain higher Click-through rates from these messages to the video content.

2 Use Targeted Customer Video Testimonials to Build Trust And Attract New Insurance Clients

Happy customers are a must-have for any business. The same applies to insurance brands, where customer lifetime value (CLV) measures the sustainability of the profitable business.

Segmentation and personalization

Like for many businesses, customer retention in the insurance industry is imperative.

With customer video testimonials, new and prospective members can easily understand how the insurance brand helps other people.

Targeted video testimonials are really effective because they help individuals relate to specific pain points similar people have.

From there, insurers can demonstrate how their brand made a difference.

Note that I wrote “targeted”, not just “video testimonials”.

Insurers can also apply marketing personalization techniques to customer video testimonials.

How to gather customer testimonials for insurance marketing

There are many ways to gather customer testimonials.

Don’t focus only on getting these testimonials but on gathering the right ones to increase sales and retention.

To retrieve customer testimonials in the form of video for a specific type of insurance product, follow these steps:

  1. Talk to field insurance agents and ask them structured and open questions regarding pain points and solutions provided to customers.
  2. Once you have talked to them, identify patterns in their responses.
  3. Now conduct a survey among the insurance agents’ customers and ask them structured and open questions regarding pain points and solutions provided to them by the insurance agents and the brand.
  4. Now, identify patterns in the responses of insurance customers.
  5. See what both groups have in common (patterns).
  6. Identify how both groups communicated, the words they use, how they describe the experience.
  7. Segment your marketing audience to send a customer experience campaign to gather video testimonials from customers.
  8. Create targeted messages with personalization to request active insurance customers to share their experiences through video testimonials. These messages can give them a suggestion of the answer they can record based on what similar customers have shared.
  9. Distribute this video content across social platforms, email campaigns, and chatbots.
  10. Thanks to powerful segmentation tools like Facebook Marketing API offers, you can also create hyper-segmented video ad campaigns.

By doing this, you’ll retrieve customer feedback and testimonials in a video that you can easily use for your video marketing and customer engagement campaigns.

To learn more about easy ways to segment your marketing audience, watch the following video:

3 Use Personalized Videos To Help Insurance Leads Understand What’s In for Them

Insurance companies can use personalized videos to increase sales. Personalized videos help these organizations explain the different types of insurance policies in a way that is unique to each viewer.

But, what’s a personalized video?

Personalized Videos by Pirsonal

A personalized video is a type of marketing video that uses customer data. Since these videos are driven by data, they are highly effective.

In fact, personalized videos have 8 times the completion rate of generic or static videos.

In a world saturated with information and many marketing messages hitting our inbox every day, video personalization can help insurance marketing and sales teams get better conversion rates.

Through personalized, relevant content, videos with personalization become the perfect tool to help leads understand what’s in for them.

There are many scenarios where insurers can personalized video messages, for example:

  1. Personalized explainer videos help users understand the results of an online calculator
  2. Personal customer onboarding, to help them understand a new insurance contract and decrease churn.
  3. Adding video to emails, to increase the click-through rate of email sales campaigns.
  4. Highly personalized video content to increase policy renewals and extend lifetime value (LTV).
  5. Seasonal personal videos to boost brand engagement during the year through different festivities like Christmas, birthday celebration, and more.

Creating personalized marketing messages for insurance videos

Personalized marketing with video can help your insurance company increase sales. But how can you create strategies and messages that boost sales engagement?

Most marketers and customer experience peers face serious issues when creating a personalized marketing strategy. Personalized marketing is not only about creating messages with personalization tags (also called merge tags or placeholders).

This is why taking into consideration the insurance buyer’s context to create personalized marketing messages, workflows, and strategies will help you gain more sales traction through engagement.

In the following video, I explain a “simple” way to do this:

Closing Thoughts About Video In Marketing to Boost Insurance Sales

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of using video in marketing in the insurance industry. If your goal is to increase engagement and, from there, sales, no matter the type of video, focus on the people.

Instead of creating video content thinking about a wide audience, create granular marketing videos.

With clear marketing segments, you can identify the types of videos that will help you drive more insurance sales.

If you need to scale communications and want to maintain a high level of personalization through every digital touchpoint, use marketing automation software according to your needs.

Marketing automation and video marketing are actually best friends.

Thanks to video personalization software like Pirsonal, you can create personalized videos that adapt to each insurance buyer.

Personalized video marketing will help you break the saturation gap caused by many of the communications your customers receive every day.

When your customers engage with your brand and messages, you consolidate better conversion rates across the customer journey thanks to the power of personal video.

Personal videos adapt to any digital channel. Take the communication channel into consideration as it affects the way viewers consume information.

As video marketers, should not be focused on getting more views. Effective video goals must evoke a reaction from viewers. When you adapt to the individual’s context, this goal is often achieved.

How to Increase Insurance Sales with Video In MarketingData-driven Video Advertisement